First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

The Fear of the Lord

In Revelation 8...the last (seventh) seal is this point there occurred a  half hour calm...silence.   It seems like there is a lull...a time out...a moment of rest...before the final act.

Then they hand out 7 trumpets to 7 different angels.Then another angel...takes a bowl full of the prayers ignites them from the alter smoke and lets the prayers rise to God.  He then fills the golden bowl with fire which he then hurls onto the earth.

This is the start of the trumpet blasts that signal very disturbing judgements...of fire, hail, blood, scorching heat, poisoned water, sea life devastation, and absence of light.  Each blast of the trumpet... sounds the reversal of it is destruction of the old earth.  It is like a signal to summon another round of battle. ...another round of attacks.

I do not claim to know exactly what all this revelation...this end time prophecy is about....but it sounds scary.  I tell you...I want to be right with God.  I do not want to be on His bad side when His righteous wrath is displayed.   Psalms 111:10 says: "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom..." That means that God is serious...we better get serious, too.

We do not have to fully know get the gist of His message in Revelation.  He seems to bless those who follow Him and are obedient to his commands...those who hear His words..and put them into practice.   For those who have ignored the "Call of God".... JUDGEMENT....DISTRUCTION.   What's my advice?  Repent today and follow Jesus

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