First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Congratulation on Week One (Summary)

Today we wind down on week one.  I hope you have encountered God in His word this week. It has been a week to try out what works best as far as time and place to do your daily reading and quite time. So I hope you are settling in on a appointment with God each morning.

Mark has taken us in 5 short chapters from Jesus' introduction and baptism by John, quickly into the heart of His ministry. Jesus has sought out His Father in solitude....taken time to carefully explain his teachings to His disciples...and has attracted large crowds.  The crowds are drawn by His abilities to teach with great authority, heal the sick, drive out evil spirits, calm the "wind & waves" and raise the dead.  No wonder people were so amazed and astonished!!!

Jesus seems to be most compassionately interested in the people desparate for Him.  On the other hand, He has the least time for the "religious folk" of the day...the ones that saw him as a threat to their personal agendas. In fact He often scolds them.   Are we desparately seeking God or just looking for a "golden safety net?"  I pray that in our daily reading of His word we will humble ourselves and seek out this "One True God"...
this "One that we can't live without"....
this "One who give us life and breath"....
this "One who offers us eternal life with Him." 
He is longing to commune with us!!!

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