First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Day Two

Mark 2
The thing I noticed today is that many people gathered around Jesus....but not all were followers.
There seems to be a difference in the two.  In fact many "gathered around Him" were very religious people.... Pharisees and teachers of the law.  They were not "followers" but were actually critical of Jesus.

In verse 5 ....  Jesus observes four friends lower a paralytic friend down to be healed. He was able to "see" their faith in action.

In contrast in verse 8.... Jesus, seems to look right through the teachers of the law to the attitudes of their hearts.   He asks, "Why are you thinking these things." 

In verse 15...  tax collectors and sinners were lumped into the "followers" category.  Does this surprise you?

Well I guess the take away is that Jesus knows the attitudes of our hearts.  No religious posturing, church attendance or saying your a Christian is going to fool the God of the Universe,  He knows...and rewards those who earnestly seek Him.  I want to seek Him and Know Him...don't you?

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