First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

"Help me overcome my Unbelief."

In Mark 9: 24,  I love the cry of this desperate daddy.  He and his son have suffered for years with horrible consequences of an evil spirit like convulsions, fits and seizures.  note -In my mind it must have been like the girl in the '73 film The Excorcist (right)

Jesus knows their desperation when He states, "Everything is possible for him who believes."

Two thoughts:
1. The man immediately responds to Jesus.

 Doesn't this seem to be a developing theme for the people really following Jesus? When God speaks...they listen and respond. (let's pay attention to this as we read through the New Testament)
I want to become someone who immediately follows the truths of God....don't you?

2. The man humbles himself and relies on Jesus. " me overcome my unbelief."

(my speculation)
After trying everything for years, he somehow knows that Jesus is his only hope of rescue (that he is sure of) but he also knows that he has blind spots.  He knows that he has lingering doubts about many things...but he is so ready for a solution...he is willing to humble himself and say, "I don't know me to follow you in spite of my short comings in theology."

"help me in my unbelief."   This is one beautiful prayer...I think this is the cry for help God loves to hear from us!!!

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