First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

"The Kingdom belongs to such as these."

In Mark 10:15 Jesus says, "I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will not enter it."

I think we would all do well to meditate on this a  while since Jesus starts out with, "I tell you the truth."  Many times through out the New Testament, Jesus praises child-like qualities. This time it is in regard to "receiving the kingdom of God."

What is it to be child-like? How can we be more child-like in our faith? 

Maybe "child-like" is being fully innocent.  Can't you see these children running toward Jesus...jumping into his lap...trying to get his attention???

Children receive gifts in a spirit of freedom.... Can't you hear the giggles...see the smiles?   Children receive love without thinking of earning...without thought of paying back...without thought of strings that may be attached.  Lacking motive, they are guilt free.  They are not politically correct!!!! They commit 100% to the moment they are with you and they give back all they have.  They don't hold back..... and neither should we!  "The kingdom belongs to such as these."

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