First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Mark 11 "The Triumphal Entry"

This week we will start reading about Jesus' "triumphal entry" into Jerusalem on a little borrowed colt.  What's so victorious about this kind of entrance?  We will then end the week with Jesus' burial on Friday in chapter 15.   Is this story of the man Jesus dying...really good news?

It must have been a wild and confusing week for those following Him, especially for His disciples.  After being with Jesus for 3 years....
they still did not understand who Jesus was.  Like most of us...they were expecting their own version of the Messiah... not a carpenter straddling a little donkey....not a humble, suffering servant.

Many scholars feel that most Jews of that day were expecting more of a "conquering king" that would restore power to "God's chosen people."  Do we attempt to fashion-up our own God?  One that helps our dreams come true?   Do we project an Americanized version of the Savior onto Jesus?  A God that guarantees good health?  Prosperity? Ever increasing wealth?  No problems?  Peace? Are our prayers me, me, me?  or Thy will be done?

As we read through the New Testament.  Let's quit trying to get God to come into our story...and humble ourselves and ask, "Lord, how can we become part of your story?  Let's ask God to open our eyes to who he is...(and believe that He will reveal Himself to us).   "Hosanna in the Highest" !!!!!!

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