First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Read the Word.... 1.) Generally 2.) Specificly & 3.)Personally

TIP: Want to get the most out of scripture??? Read it at least 3 times....

In Mark 12 Jesus starts with a parable that offends the "religious elite" of the day.  Why?  As always...Jesus' truth penetrates down to the core of their souls. Then he goes into several conversations with each of these various sects of the "religious" Jews of the day....the Pharisees, the Herodians, the Sadducees and the teachers of the law.  In this short chapter He offends them all in a few short conversations.

So let's begin our study by reading generally the first time through...this would be the factual, historical perspective.(What went on in the passage?)  The situation in Mark 12 seems pretty easy for us to discern in reading these passages.  Example: Jesus is confronting the skewed view of the religious folk.   (so many of us stop our analysis of scripture after we obtain this academic historical viewpoint)   I encourage you to search deeper!!!

Next we want to read the passages specificly, seeking to understand the lesson to be learned from a "Christian point of view".  (What would any "follower of Jesus" take away from this story or passage?)  Example:  In Mark 12 we might summarize these lessons by saying,  "Jesus does not look at the outward appearances of being religious....He sees down to the real attitudes of our hearts."

Finally, we would want to read the passage again "personally".  (What is God saying to me through this passage?)  This is really the purpose of let scripture read let the word examine our hearts.

So what is Mark 12 saying to you?  Only you know that....but I pray that you will not reject the teaching of Jesus like the religious leaders. Instead I pray you will listen and accept the teaching "out of your poverty".

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