First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

What Massive Stones! What Magnificent Buildings!

After all of Jesus' teaching in the temple, the disciples still did not completely understand His message.  As we continue into Mark 13, one of the disciples wants him to take note of the beautiful temple architecture. "Look teacher! What Massive Stones!  What Magnificent Buildings!"

Are you kidding me???  Surely after hearing Jesus explain the sacrificial giving of the poor one...especially his closest followers.... would point out the "over the top" architecture of the temple.  But Jesus uses the moment to teach about the temporary nature of the things of the world, "Not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down."

Last summer my family toured several of the "ruins" around the Mediterranean.
This picture actual is from the town of Ephesus in Turkey (not in Jerusalem)...  but if you've seen one have seen them all.  The thing I noticed most about the ancient matter where we were....there were way more stones on the ground than standing.  In fact if there was a building was because someone was trying to rebuild it from all the rubble scattered around.

So from an eternal perspective...housing, temples and all forms of buildings probably aren't that good of eternal investment.  So what is a good eternal investment?  One answer is mentioned by Jesus later in verse 31, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away."   I hope reading of the word each day will be of much, more value to you.... knowing that it is eternal !!!!!!!

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