Do you see Jesus as a killjoy...a rule enforcer...someone sent to ruin your good time? Many people (like the cheif preist and teachers of the law) think of Jesus in terms of limiting their behavior....a barrier to their fun....their power. Others see him as an overseer waiting for them to make a wrong move....someone sent to make them feel guilty.
Did you notice in Matthew 21:14-15... the the lame and the blind did not consider Jesus in these ways. They were in need of a savior. They searched out this man that had the power to heal them. Their savior was Jesus. They received healing...and much more than they ever counted on....
The little children were also gathering around Jesus when he was around. Their reaction was not of rejection...but of shouting from pure joy. They must have loved Jesus. They were drawn to His welcoming, loving persona...The One they wanted to be around.
If we insist on living life our way...we will never know Jesus as our Savior and Lord. If we realize our need for a savior like the deaf and blind...we too will seek out Jesus with a different heart "attitude." If we humble our selves and become like little children....then we too will love and enjoy our true Savior.
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