First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

Parallel Parables????

I don't think I have ever noticed such similarities between this parable of the "workers in the vineyard" (Matthew 20:1-16) and the "prodigal son parable"(Luke 15)...until this reading.

The Owner/ Father figure in both stories wants to be generous to both the "old faithful" servant/brother character and the"newly committed" servant/brother character. In both cases the faithful one is angry because they selfishly are only concerned for their own welfare.  They  think they are being slighted....their role somehow diminished. Instead of celebrating the inclusion of their fellow laborer/brother. Their heart condition was the thing the Owner/Father was judging.

Most scholars would probably agree that the faithful character would be the Jews... and that the new comer would be the Gentiles. It would have been a very hard lesson to swallow for the Pharisees, Scribes and the teachers of the Law.

Is it any easier for long time Christians to hear these stories? 

We too, can learn from these 2 parables....God does look at our hearts. He does not judge us on seniority or effort or certain theologies or denomination or specific worship style  or any other "Americanized" standard...He looks at our heart...He wants us all to turn to him...We are to "give away" the kingdom not hoard it for ourselves.... we are to rejoice in our Master's joy...."the last will be first."

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