First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26

From Now on You Will Fish for People

Jesus will make us fishers of men, too....just like He promised His disciples in Luke 5. In this story we pick up on some of the lessons for "Fishing for Men" examining the "Fishing for Fish" story. What do we learn?  Sometimes we waste our time fishing for men...because we do it on our timetable, in our our location.  Jesus shows us that when we fish with Him...We go out into the deep waters....where it's a little scary.  We fish where Jesus tells us....not where we think would be good.  We are dependent on Him...His strength.  Look at the "Net result" of Fishing with Jesus.  The nets were so full that it began to break the nets. and sink the 2 boats.   Now that is a haul!!!! 

That is the kind of catch that I want to get when I fish for men...don't you? When you go fishing for men....Go with Jesus.

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