First 26 Weeks

First 26 Weeks
Week 1- Week 26
Television and Movie theatres are not the place to get our lessons on morality.  I hope that it is not the place your kids receive their foundation on what sex should look like. The basic principals of the "world view" of sex is an animalistic is OK between consenting adults.  Within that framework ...anything what feels good...but this is not what the bible teaches.

The bible tells us most all the answers for living out life including our sex lives.

I Cor 7 gives us several good baselines for healthy sexual relations.

1. Sex is only for a married man and woman to experience. (I Cor 7:2)
2. When we are married...we yield our bodies to our spouse. (I Cor 7:4)
3. Spouses should not deny each other of sex.  (I Cor 7:5)

God, the Creator and Master Designer...created man and woman to be partners in marriage.
When we come together in sex is the most intimate relationship we have besides with Him.
We learn to be faithful.  We learn to love each other.  We learn to yield to each other and serve one another.  We learn to give sacrificially to each other. God designed us and knows best...and He only allows sex within His rules...His boundaries.  So when it comes to learning about sex and life turn to the bible not the sitcoms.

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